Restoration of Driving Privileges

If you are convicted of a DUI in Oregon and you have two prior convictions, from any jurisdiction and over any timeframe, there will be a mandatory lifetime revocation of your driver’s license.

However, you will be eligible for reinstatement of your driving privileges after 10 years if you can show the court that you are rehabilitated and you have not had any driving while suspended convictions in the interim. If you are convicted of DWS after the revocation that will restart the 10 year period.

The video below summarizes the process for petitioning the court to reinstate you driving privileges. Basically we file a petition, affidavit and exhibits with the court showing that you are rehabilitated and have completed any required treatment and then the court schedules a mandatory hearing. At that hearing the court will consider the following factors:

  • The nature of the offense for which you were revoked
  • The degree of violence involved in the offense
  • Other criminal and relevant noncriminal behavior both before and after the conviction that resulted in the revocation
  • If it was a felony, the recommendation of your parole officer
  • Any other relevant factors

If after the hearing the court makes the following findings by clear and convincing evidence then they will restore your driving privileges:

  • You are rehabilitated
  • You do not pose a threat to the safety of the public
  • You completed your mandatory drug and alcohol treatment

If you have been revoked due to a 3rd DUI or other reason and think you may be eligible for reinstatement give us a call. We have done many of these types of cases.