Student Crimes

Serving University of Oregon, Oregon State University, Northwestern Christian College, and Lane Community College

A criminal record is the last thing that you want to leave college with before entering the professional world. Certain criminal convictions can result in an expulsion from campus damaging what could have been a bright career after college. A student’s crimes can follow them for a lifetime. MJM Law Office, P.C. represents college students who are attending the University of Oregon, Oregon State University, Northwestern Christian College, and Lane Community College. Our team of experts will help a student who has made a poor decision and found themselves facing criminal charges such as:

  • DUI
  • Minor in Possession (MIP)
  • Illegal drug possession
  • Distribution
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Computer Crimes
  • Arson
  • Theft
  • Date Rape
  • Harassment
  • Fighting
  • Public Intoxication

If you or a loved one attending college has been charged with a crime, you undoubtedly worry that a lapse in judgment can affect their adult careers and the rest of their lives. It is important to effectively handle criminal cases in order to reduce or eliminate criminal charges.  If charges cannot be dropped it is important to know what can be expunged and when.

If you or a loved one in college is facing criminal charges, call MJM Law Office, P.C. to speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Eugene, Oregon.

Contact us online or call 541-505-9872 to schedule a consultation. We are available 24/7