State of Oregon v. J.A.
Practice Area: Expungement
Date: Dec 11, 2024Outcome: Eligible to expunge a Class C Felony even though did not complete jail sentence at time of conviction
Description: State objected to setting aside clients record of conviction of a Class C felony because he did not complete his jail sentence 9 years earlier while on probation. We worked with the judge on a novel legal process by which he became eligible to complete all the terms of his sentence and ultimately get the conviction expunged.
State of Oregon v. C.D.
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Nov 20, 2024Outcome: Not Guilty verdict of DUII controlled substances after trial
Description:Client charged with DUI controlled substances. The court found them not guilty after a trial even with a positive blood test for methamphetamine and benzodiazepines in evidence, as well as a photograph of a meth pipe, 2 grams of crystal meth, and 100 pills in evidence. State was unable to prove client was under the influence of these substances at the time of driving. We were able to show that clients mental and physical abilities were not adversely affected to a noticeable or perceptible degree even with these substances in the blood.
State of Oregon v. S.S.
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Jun 19, 2019Outcome: Not guilty verdict (acquittal) of DUII alcohol and cannabis charge after 3 day jury trial with expert testimony.
Description: Not guilty verdict (acquittal) of DUII alcohol and cannabis charge after 3 day jury trial with expert testimony.
State of Oregon v. C.F.
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Jan 15, 2019Outcome: DUII and Manslaughter Not Guilty Jury Verdict (Acquittal) after 8 day jury trial exploring issues of DNA evidence, airbag control module data, accident reconstruction, bio-mechanics, neurology, memory, surveillance and proper investigation.
Description: DUII and Manslaughter Not Guilty Verdict (Acquittal) after 8 day jury trial using expert witnesses to explore issues of DNA evidence, airbag control module data, accident reconstruction, bio-mechanics, neurology, memory, surveillance and proper investigation. The case involved a single vehicle rollover collision with 2 unrestrained occupants. The State was unable to prove to the jury beyond a reasonable doubt that my client rather than the decedent was driving the car.
State of Oregon v. T.K.
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Apr 26, 2017Outcome: Marijuana DUII resulting in Hung Jury after first jury trial, Acquittal after second jury trial
Description: Marijuana DUII
State of Oregon v. J.Q.
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Nov 05, 2014Outcome: Favorable settlement on second day of felony DUII jury trial
Description: Client allegedly left a bar with a friend and collided with a traffic barrier on the way home. Officers arrived at the home about an hour later. The State had minimal evidence regarding proof of the “driving” element of DUII.
State of Oregon v. J.W.
Practice Area: Criminal defense
Date: Mar 11, 2013Outcome: Upfront Misdemeanor Treatment on Felony Assault of an Officer under an “Alford Plea” meaning “I’m pleading guilty to take this deal but I didn’t do it”; Credit for Time Served, Considered Served; Released on same day as quick-set court hearing.
Description: Client accused of two felonies and two misdemeanors after allegedly tazing an EPD officer outside of a bar after a struggle ensued and the officer lost control of his own stun gun.
City of Coburg v. J.A.
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Mar 06, 2013Outcome: DUII Marijuana Not Guilty Verdict after Jury Trial; Improper Right Turn Dismissed; Failure to Drive on the Right Dismissed
Description: Client accused of DUII marijuana. Two officers were involved, the local arresting officer and an OSP “Drug Recognition Expert” who determined my client was under the influence of weed. We took the case to a six person jury trial and my client was found not guilty after thorough cross-examination of the officers, and direct testimony of my client and our own drug recognition expert witness.
City of Coburg v. D.V.
Practice Area: DUI and DWI
Date: Jan 03, 2013Outcome: Jury Trial resulted in Hung Jury & Prosecutor Dismissed DUII Marijuana.
Description: Client accused of DUII Marijuana while driving through the City of Coburg on the way to the Oregon Country Fair. Two officers were involved, the arresting officer and an OSP “Drug Recognition Expert.” Client was medical in Washington, and had a pipe and marijuana in his pocket.